This dystopian future has already begun. An industrial giant harbors dark secrets. Can a team of three expose the danger without dying?
Sam Hanson was elated when he was promoted to IT Chief for the energy conglomerate for the whole country. His excitement vanishes when he discovers that his predecessor just disappeared shortly after his company began hosting a government agency’s climate prediction program on their supercomputers. Curious about the disappearance, he goes against his boss’ order and snoops to find out what happened.
Trying to stay under the boss’ radar, Sam risks his career to unravel the mystery. His stress increases when he learns his predecessor never received his last paycheck.
When Sam discovers data that implicates the owner in a dangerous cover-up, he decides he has to find a way to expose the truth, even if it costs his life. Would birds be willing to help Sam as he tries to save an entire region?
Book 1 in the Dark Wings Trilogy, Dark Wings Rising is an intriguing dystopian suspense novel set in the near future when all of America’s commerce and government is controlled by 30 ultra-rich people. If you savor suspense and a story that keeps the pages turning, you will love Dark Wings Rising! Start reading today!
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