Taken and broken life slips through
Fingers clinched hard tight
Grasping, gripping, clinging, holding
To own do I fight.
Wanting and needing do I strive
With all of my strength
To possess and hold and control
I’ll go any length.
Farther and faster life does run
So I grip stronger
The fight begun already lost
Can’t hold much longer.
Fingers weakened weary open
All sought surely lost
I cringe despair as I lose grip
Couldn’t pay the cost.
Clinching fists open to release
Even as I plead
I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t
Grasp that which I need.
Expecting all is total loss
My eyes I peek
To see grace coming towards me
Gifting what I seek.
What I crushed grasping freely comes
After I release
And opening my heart and hands
Receive gifted peace.
With heart felt joy I discover
That I wished to hold
Comes so abundantly given
By one Love so bold.
Dwain Cassady