Oh Relentless Love

Oh relentless love
                that will not let me be!
Pursuing hard
                no matter where I flee.
Thine eyes pierce deep
                within my complacent soul,
Arrows of love
                that seek to make me whole.
Had my eyes not seen
                the wonders revealed within Thy Light
Perhaps I’d not fear or flee
                being caught within Thy sight.

And you keep pace
                wherever I might run,
As though to prove
                your love won’t be out done.
Why flee Thy Light?
                It’s really hard to say.
It’s not so great
                the find as flight has led the way.
The fear is not of the outcome
                if you my soul should own.
The fear is what if
                my true, inadequate self be known.

Oh relentless love
                that will not let me be!
Pursuing hard
                no matter where I flee.
Give me courage
                to cease this fruitless race
That I might turn
                and gaze upon Thy face
And in stillness of truth,
                being gathered on the wings of Thy Spirit,
From Thee I might
                the richest of treasures inherit!

Dwain Cassady
October 23, 1989

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