
Oh that I were free to be a child,
To greet the morning with a pure smile.
Free to bounce when excitement runs through my veins
And to sleep when I become weary again.
Free to speak to the stars and know that they hear
And to herald a snowfall with a loud cheer.
Free to hunger and trust that food will be given
Through warm, loving hands, and often unbidden.
Free to explore, section by section,
And when I fail, to neither fear nor find rejection.
Free to follow the spirit within
And wherever I am, there to begin.
Free to receive the gift with unfettered joy
And to give it way just because the other has no toy.
Oh that I were free to be a child,
To greet the morning with a pure smile,
And walk gently, easily, into the Kingdom.

Dwain Cassady
January, 1986

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